Name Type Description Required
ContactId Int32 No
Title String No
FirstName String No
Surname String No
FullName String No
Salutation String No
ContactType String No
ContactStatus String No
MembershipClass String No
MembershipStatus String No
AddressLine1 String No
AddressLine2 String No
AddressLine3 String No
Town String No
County String No
Postcode String No
Country String No
EmailAddress String No
DateOfBirth DateTime (Nullable) No
Gender String No
AddedDate DateTime (Nullable) No
LastModifiedDate DateTime (Nullable) No
JoinDate DateTime (Nullable) No
LeftDate DateTime (Nullable) No
MembershipExpiryDate DateTime (Nullable) No
FutureResignationAddedDate DateTime (Nullable) No
Balance Decimal No
JoinMethod String No
MainInstrument String No
Orchestras String The orchestras this Contact belongs to, sperated by a comma. No
PlayerOrchestras String The orchestras this Contact is a player, sperated by a comma. No
Sections String The Sections this Contact belongs to, sperated by a comma. No
Region String No
PaymentFrequency String No
PaymentRate Decimal No
PoliticalLevy Boolean No
PreferenceYoung Boolean No
PreferenceBame Boolean No
PreferenceDisabled Boolean No
PreferenceLgbt Boolean No
PreferenceWomen Boolean No
PreferenceBlog Boolean No
PreferenceEvents Boolean No
PreferenceNews Boolean No
IsSubscribed Boolean This determines if the contact is subscribed or not. This is true if 'Preference Centre > Unsubscribe All' is unticked (false). Otherwise, it is false. No
Url Actions Description
api/wired/contacts GET Lists all Contacts.
api/wired/contacts/{contactId} GET Lists a single Contact by Contact Id, who has an email address, is not deceased, and has not unsubscribed ('Do Not Email' and 'Preference Centre > Unsubscribe All').
api/wired/contacts?emailAddress={emailAddress}&addedSince={addedSince}&addedUntil={addedUntil}&modifiedSince={modifiedSince}&modifiedUntil={modifiedUntil}&contactStatuses={contactStatuses}&isSubscribed={isSubscribed}&fields={fields} GET Lists all Contacts based on the specified criteria.

emailAddress: Contacts with the specified email address.
addedSince: Contacts added after the specified date.
addedUntil: Contacts added before the specified date.
modifiedSince: Contacts modified after the specified date.
modifiedUntil: Contacts modified before the specified date.
contactStatuses: Contacts with the specified Contact Statuses (each Contact Status should be seperated by a comma).
isSubscribed: Contacts with the specified subscribed status.
fields: the fields to be returned by the endpoint (each field should be seperated by a comma).
api/wired/communications POST Creates communications for Contacts who have the supplied email addresses. A status of 200 will be returned if this is successful.
api/wired/unsubscribe POST Unsubscribes Contacts based on their email address. A status of 200 will be returned if this is successful.